Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Science] Astronomers find biggest black hole ever

Astronomers find biggest black hole ever
Astronomers have discovered what may be the most massive black hole ever known in a small galaxy about 250 million light-years from Earth, scientists say.

3D printers could use Moon rocks, say scientists
Future Moon colonists should be able to use lunar rocks to create tools or spare parts, according to a study. US researchers have used a 3D printer to make small objects out of melted simulated lunar rocks.

South Korean civil rocket launch called off, again
SEOUL | Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:05am EST. SEOUL Nov 29 (Reuters) - South Korea cancelled the launch of its first space rocket on Thursday after a glitch in the propulsion system halted the countdown just minutes before the scheduled lift-off.

Bigfoot Is Part Human, and Here Are the DNA Tests to Prove It, Claims Woman
Bigfoot is people! At least that's according to a new five-year study of the creatures purported DNA by a prominent Bigfootologist.

Doha: Should rich countries pay for climate change 'loss and damage'?
Almost 200 countries are gathered in Doha, Qatar for the latest climate change summit. The annual talks have already agreed that global temperature rise should be kept to a minimum of 2C by cutting carbon emissions.

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