Thursday, November 29, 2012

[World] Egyptian Panel Votes on Constitution

Egyptian Panel Votes on Constitution
A conservative-dominated panel writing Egypt's new constitution has retained the principles of Islamic law as the main source of legislation, hastily rushing through the approval process despite an opposition boycott and a deepening political crisis.

French court throws out Continental conviction in Concorde crash
PARIS -- A French appeals court Thursday overturned Continental Airlines' conviction for manslaughter in the July 2000 crash of a Concorde jet that killed 113 people.

US and Israel Look to Limit Impact of UN Vote on Palestinian Authority
UNITED NATIONS - An overwhelming majority of countries are expected on Thursday to vote to recognize Palestine as a “nonmember observer state” at the United Nations.

US gives Iran until March to cooperate with IAEA
VIENNA | Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:34am EST. VIENNA (Reuters) - The United States set a March deadline on Thursday for Iran to start cooperating in substance with a U.N.

Waves Of Attacks Leave Dead, Injured In Iraq
BAGHDAD (November 29, 2012)--At least 39 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded Thursday in a wave of bombings in two major cities south of Baghdad, Iraqi officials said.

NATO, searching for Patriot missile sites, visits military facilities in southeast Turkey
ANKARA, Turkey - A NATO team assessing possible sites for Patriot missiles to protect Turkey's border with Syria inspected military installations Wednesday in southeast Turkey, the state-run news agency reported.

South Korea scraps satellite launch amid fears North Korea is preparing to fire its ...
SEOUL, South Korea - South Korea on Thursday scrapped an attempt to fire its first satellite into orbit from its own soil amid speculation that North Korea was preparing to fire its own long-range rocket.

Pussy Riot's Trials and Tribulations Explored in New Documentary
By Alex HudsonRussian punk activists Pussy Riot have been at the centre of a media shitstorm ever since they were arrested back in February following their Vladimir Putin-targeting protest performance at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral.

Barroso unveils euro survival plan
The eurozone should gradually acquire the powers of a national government with a single treasury and the right to tax or issue commonly backed bonds under a Brussels blueprint to ensure the single currency's longer-term survival.

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