Friday, November 30, 2012

[Science] NASA says don't believe the rumors, no signs of life on Mars yet

NASA says don't believe the rumors, no signs of life on Mars yet
James is a self-proclaimed rocket scientist, a student, and an amateur-professional foodie who likes long walks on the beach and experimental pyrotechnics.

Lobster Age Shown By Counting Its Rings Like A Tree, Study Reveals
PORTLAND, Maine -- For the first time, scientists have figured out how to determine the age of a lobster - by counting its rings, like a tree.

Bill McKibben Recruits Vermont for the Next Climate-War Offensive: Divest From ...
Bill McKibben's new front in the fight against climate change is less about tree hugging and more about number crunching. The renowned climate activist and Vermont resident is headlining a cross-country bus tour calling on schools, churches and ...

new fish named after Barack Obama
He already had the presidential seal. Now comes the presidential fish. Researchers have named a newly discovered species of freshwater fish after Barack Obama.

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