Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Science] Messenger detects frozen water, organic matter on Mercury

Messenger detects frozen water, organic matter on Mercury,0,6030552.story
Mercury may be a scorching hunk of rock just next door to the sun, but planetary scientists have discovered nearly pure frozen water and even some organic material in the planet's frigid polar regions.

Polar Ice Sheets Melt Faster
Higher temperatures over the past two decades have caused the polar ice sheets to melt at an accelerating rate, contributing to an almost half-inch rise in global sea levels, according to the most comprehensive study done so far.

Study challenges presumed age of Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon may be much older than widely believed, according to a new study that challenges the view that the American landmark was born 5 million or 6 million years ago.

Monster Black Hole Is Biggest Ever Found
Astronomers have discovered what may be the most massive black hole ever known in a small galaxy about 250 million light-years from Earth, scientists say.

Dawn of the X-Men? MUTANTS swarm AMONG US, say geneticists
Humanity has entered a new genetic era, according to a newly published study, with well over half the mutations found having occurred "recently".

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