Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Science] Polar Ice Sheets Melt at Faster Pace

Polar Ice Sheets Melt at Faster Pace
Higher temperatures over the past two decades have caused the polar ice sheets to melt at an accelerating rate, contributing to an almost half-inch rise in global sea levels, according to the most comprehensive study done so far.

On Closest Planet to the Sun, NASA Finds Lots of Ice
Mercury is as cold as ice. Indeed, Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, possesses a lot of ice, scientists working with NASA's Messenger spacecraft reported on Thursday.

A 60-Million-Year Debate on Grand Canyon's Age
Picture geologists of different stripes standing at the south rim of the Grand Canyon, looking into the depths with eyes fixed on competing models of how and when such a spectacular rent in the landscape came about.

Black Hole Found, 17 Billion Times as Massive as Sun
The galaxy NGC 1277 as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA/ESA/Andrew C. Fabian. You would probably not enjoy the galaxy NGC 1277.

NASA: There will be a year 2013, so plan accordingly
It's time to end all the end-of-times chatter. NASA and others are working to dispel the 2012 end-of-the-world rumors. Eric Mack.

Scientists prove 3D printers can build objects from Moon rocks
Scientists working on how to facilitate humans living on non-Earth-like planetary bodies have been focused on ways to use their local resources to sustain potential colonies.

Update Set in San Francisco About Curiosity Mars Rover
This artist's concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life.

Quasar sends energy blast 2 trillion times more powerful than sun
Scientists have reported the largest blast of energy ever recorded from a far-off quasar, some two trillion times more energetic than the sun.

Beach algae still causing red alert
Beach algae still causing red alert. Updated: 06:18, Friday November 30, 2012. Beach algae still causing red alert. More NSW beaches have been closed as red algal blooms are spotted along much of the state's coast.

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