Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Technology] Microsoft's Windows 8 Numbers Meaningless

Microsoft's Windows 8 Numbers Meaningless
Microsoft says it has sold more than 40 million Windows 8 licenses, but the information is worthless in absence of key data the company won't divulge.

Basis launches health-tracking wristwatch and web service
Basis Science today launched a new fitness and health tracking wristwatch and accompanying web service for the health-conscience crowd.

AT&T yet again the worst-rated carrier in US
The carrier was far behind the leading major carrier, Verizon, which won out on voice and data services in a new Consumer Reports study.

Microsoft takes on trolls with new Internet Explorer advertisement
In a new advertisement focused on Internet Explorer, Microsoft addresses the elephant in the room, which is that the company's web browser hasn't been up to snuff in recent years, but Microsoft is slowly changing that by introducing new features that appeal ...

Researchers Steal Cloud Computing Power Via Browsers
Security researchers demonstrate that cloud computing can be taken at no cost, if you know where to find the processing cycles. By Thomas Claburn · InformationWeek.

Wii U launch: make or break for Nintendo
Six years after the Wii console took living rooms by storm, Nintendo is trying to capture the same success with its new Wii U, is to released in the UK overnight on Thursday.

Apple reportedly fires Maps manager
With the departure of Scott Forstall, and Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice president, taking over Maps and Siri, heads have begun to roll.

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