Friday, November 30, 2012

[World] Margin of UN defeat disappoints Israel

Margin of UN defeat disappoints Israel
By Crispian Balmer. JERUSALEM | Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:22am EST. JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The margin of Israel's defeat in a U.N. vote that granted de-facto statehood to Palestine has disappointed Israeli political leaders, whose attempts on Friday to play ...

UK stops £21m aid payment to Rwanda
The UK has suspended aid to Rwanda amid concerns about its role in the conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo. The International Development Secretary Justine Greening said a payment worth £21m would not now be released.

Leveson: Where does it leave the internet?
With only a few pages of the Leveson Inquiry devoted to internet regulation, was Lord Justice Leveson right to avoid the issue? Amid Lord Justice Leveson's 2,000 page report into the culture, practice and ethics of the press were around a dozen pages ...

Strauss-Kahn lawyers deny $6m deal with hotel maid
Lawyers for former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn have denied reports he has settled a lawsuit with a hotel maid who accused him of sexual assault.

Kuwait Opposition Rallies Urging Boycott of Tomorrow's Election
Kuwait's opposition staged one of the biggest rallies in the Gulf nation's history today, urging a boycott of tomorrow's election and calling on the hereditary rulers to share power with elected politicians.

Senate Votes to Tighten Sanctions on Iran
Ignoring White House opposition, the Senate voted overwhelmingly Friday to impose tough new sanctions on Iran's domestic industries as it targets the Islamic Republic's economy to thwart its nuclear ambitions.

Pakistan Agrees to Free More Taliban Prisoners
Pakistan agreed on Friday to free more Taliban prisoners in the future, a move considered a key step to coaxing the militant group into peace negotiations to end the 11-year-old war in Afghanistan.

New information reported on Iranian nuke program
.... -- nuclear detonations in the diagram illustrates the force of a massive blast more than three times bigger. -- the World War II bomb that destroyed Hiroshima that of course is what you're seeing on your screen there ambassador John Bolton is a former US ...

Dozens of bins of toys stolen from Salvation Army found
Hundreds more toys donated to the Salvation Army and then allegedly stolen have been recovered, and police are asking that any businesses that bought goods from the company at the centre of the alleged scam to get in touch.

Inder Kumar Gujral, Former Indian Prime Minister Dies
Former Indian Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral has died at the age of 92. He died Friday after being admitted to a hospital earlier this month with a lung infection.

Tensions rose in the summer when Syria brought down a Turkish jet, killing two ...
Bukulmez, Turkey (CNN) -- Syrian warplanes bombed a village within sight of the border with Turkey on Monday, sending hundreds of panicked civilians running for safety to a nearby barbed wire fence that separates the two countries.

Dalai Lama's visa delay to South Africa 'unlawful'
South Africa's government acted unlawfully in failing to give the Dalai Lama a visa in time for a planned visit last year, a court has ruled.

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