Tuesday, March 26, 2013

[Science] Astronomers discover new class of supernova

Astronomers discover new class of supernova
Astronomers have discovered a new class of supernova, according to a news release from the Carnegie Institution for Science. Prior to this study, supernovae were separated into either core-collapse or Type Ia categories.

Fisherman Finds Two-Headed Bull Shark Fetus In The Gulf of Mexico, Oil Spill ...
A fisherman found a two-headed bull shark in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida in 2011, marking the first discovery of conjoined twin bull sharks.

Ancient African Penguin Fossils Discovery Reveals More Species Diversity Than ...
Ancient African penguin fossils were discovered in South Africa and researchers now believe that as many as four species of the aquatic bird could have existed in the past, according to the findings published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Arctic ice loss may drive extreme weather patterns
Anyone forced to shovel their car out of a snowbank this winter might wonder just how it is a blizzard can occur in a warming climate.

Iceland's Hekla Volcano May Be Signaling Another Eruption
The legendary volcano where the souls of Icelandic dead visit on their way to Hell may be getting ready make some new hellfire of its own.

Swarm of bees evicted from woman's truck
Swarm of bees evicted from woman's truck. Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 12:35 AM EST. Updated: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 12:49 AM EST.

Miners shoot for the stars in tech race
SYDNEY - A self-sustaining mechanised colony that mines and exports resources from the Moon could be a reality within a generation, helping to meet demand for materials key to innovation on Earth.

District well represented at upcoming state meet
Nordonia Hills -- About 30 Nordonia High School and Nordonia Middle School students will compete at the state Science Olympiad tournament April 27 at Ohio State University.

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