James Cameron donates Deepsea Challenger submarine to science
James Cameron has donated the one-man submarine within which he descended to the bottom of the planet's deepest chasm last year to the largest independent oceanographic research institution in the USA.
Marine Bacteria Power 'Bio-Battery' Breakthrough: Future of Clean Electricity
(Photo : Alice Dohnalkova/University of East Anglia) It's a victory for clean electricity. Researchers have made a breakthrough in their quest to create a 'bio-battery' by using marine bacteria.
Embryos of world's most endangered cat preserved for 1st time
It seems counterintuitive that castration could help save a species facing extinction. But by removing the ovaries of a female Iberian lynx, scientists say they were able to collect and preserve embryos from the world's most endangered wild cat for the first time.
Researchers discover two headed shark in the Gulf of Mexico
Back in April of 2011, a bizarre two headed shark was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico. The shark was a tiny bull shark that was discovered by fishermen in the uterus of an adult female shark near the Florida Keys.
scientists see moderate spring, summer red tide for Gulf of Maine
New England is expected to experience a "moderate" red tide this spring and summer, which may result in closure of some shellfish harvesting beds to prevent possible illness to consumers who might eat contaminated food, according to Woods Hole ...
Two, New, Teacup-sized Species of Mouse Lemur Lookalikes Discovered in ...
(Photo : Flickr/Arjan Haverkamp) Two new species of mouse lemur have been discovered in Madagascar. They're so similar, that researchers couldn't tell them apart without genetic sequencing.
Population along US Coast to Hit 134 Million by 2020: NOAA Report
By 2020, the number of people living along the U.S. coast will increase from 123 million to 134 million, according to a latest report from NOAA, with input from the U.S.
MIT shows off huge solar cell efficiency boost by throwing nanowires into the mix
Two research groups, working individually on different projects, have both shown that nanowires could be exactly what the solar power industry needs to compete with fossil fuels in terms of cost effectiveness and power density.
Speed of light may vary, according to physicists
According to two studies published in March 2013, the speed of light may not be a constant because the vacuum of space in which it travels is not really a true vacuum.
Beachgoers beware: Early sea turtle nesting season begins
Tiger Woods is back to No. 1 in the world with a game that looks as good as ever.- 1:42 am. Gators' Rosario rebounds with a sweet effort.
Brookings, Yankton students win Science Olympiad
VERMILLION - Students from Brookings High School and Yankton Middle School have been crowned champions of the South Dakota Science Olympiad State Tournament.
In Asteroid's Aftermath, a Sigh of Relief
Using an eclectic mix of crowd-sourced video, information from Google Earth and data from nuclear test-ban sensors, scientists have gotten a much more accurate picture of the small asteroid that exploded near the Russian city of Chelyabinsk last month.
Planck's Survey Enables Scientists to Have Better Understanding of the Universe
Universe New data released by the European Space Agency has enabled the scientists to have a detailed map of relic radiation from the Big Bang.
A Campaign Aroused by Sea Shepherd Group Against Process of Branding ...
sea-lions An international leveled campaign has been launched by Harbor-based group named Sea Shepherd, so as to save whales and other marine mammals from the process of branding operation can also trigger bursts of flame on some animals hiding ...
I Can See My House From Here!
The Landsat fleet of Earth-observing satellites lives! The newest bird in the flock is temporarily named Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM)â€"in May it will be handed over from NASA to the USGS and will be officially renamed Landsat 8. Landsats have ...
Red Crabs Swarm Island: Christmas Island Crab Migration Dubbed One Of The ...
Dubbed one of the planet's most breathtaking migrations, the Christmas Island red crab exodus is a natural phenomenon that continues to astonish.
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