Sunday, March 31, 2013

[Science] Tactile Helmet Uses Vibrations to Help Firefighters 'See' in the Dark

Tactile Helmet Uses Vibrations to Help Firefighters 'See' in the Dark
You've surely seen the videos - point-of-view shots from cameras attached to firefighters' heads as they prep to storm a burning building, save the people inside, and blast every inch of space with as much water as they can get their hands on.

Robotic ants provide path to real ant brains
Robots built to mimic ants suggest that real ants waste little, if any, mental energy deciding which way to go when they reach an uneven fork in the road, according to a new study.

Scientists seek reason sea lion pups dying in rookeries, beaching on Southern ...
LOS ANGELES - Hundreds of starving sea lion pups are washing up on beaches from San Diego to Santa Barbara, overwhelming rescue centers and leaving scientists scrambling to figure out why.

Hubble explores the depths of Messier 77
Messier 77 is a galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, located approximately 45 million light-years away from Earth. Also known as NGC 1068, it is one of the most famous and well-studied galaxies.

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