Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[Science] Forget the invisibility cloak: Boffins invent INVISIBILITY FISHNETS

Forget the invisibility cloak: Boffins invent INVISIBILITY FISHNETS
Boffins have developed the thinnest invisibility fabric ever made, just 0.15mm thick, great for carrying around Harry Potter-style.

Whoa! Mini-supernovas discovered
Astronomers have discovered a new kind of supernova, a star explosion so weak that scientists dubbed it a miniature stellar blast.

Newly Engineered Microorganism Could Create Bio-Fuels from Carbon Dioxide
(Photo : University of Georgia) Scientists have engineered a new microorganism that could create carbon neutral bio-fuels from carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

EPA: Most U.S. waters polluted
WASHINGTON, March 27 (UPI) -- More than half of U.S. rivers, streams and other waterways are in too poor of a condition for aquatic life, the Environmental Protection Agency said.

James Cameron Donates Historic One-Man Sub To Reserach
The Hollywood director who took movie audiences to the bottom of the sea in "Titanic" has given scientists a new way to study the oceanic world up-close and personal.

Mass extinction in the Pacific due to humans
Mass extinction in the Pacific due to humans Wellington: The arrival of human beings in the Pacific including New Zealand led to a rapid mass extinction of about 10 percent of the world's bird species, a new study has revealed.

Mount Olive hosts robotics event
Robotics The Mount Olive High School Robotics Team (MORT) was bustling with activity on Saturday and Sunday as it hosted the Mid-Atlantic Regional F. I. R. S. T. Robotics contest.

NASA Says Moon And Asteroids Both Were Hit By Bombardment
(Photo : Wikimedia Commons) A new study finds that the moon and asteroids close to our solar system may have once been hit by the same cataclysmic space bombardment billions of years ago.

Illegal snapping turtle found hidden in man's washer, dirty laundry, FWC says
Sea turtle nesting season may be in full swing, but one turtle's unusual nest inside a Florida man's dirty laundry landed the owner in jail.

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