Sunday, March 31, 2013

[Technology] Google, YouTube, Twitter get into April Fools' action

Google, YouTube, Twitter get into April Fools' action
Google provides treasure map overlay while YouTube announces it will shut down on April 1 to pick a best video winner. google maps.

Saudi Arabia threatens to ban Skype, WhatsApp, and Viber
Reminiscent of the 2010 BlackBerry ban, the Saudi government says that these messaging apps are not in accordance with the country's rules, which allow for monitoring.

First Petaflop Supercomputer, 'Roadrunner,' Decommissioned
If you need to take a moment to think of a joke about a particular speedy bird and its coyote companion, we understand. Otherwise, it's time to raise a toast today to one of the computing world's heavyweights, the first supercomputer that ever managed to hit a ...

Subaru introduces new WRX saloon concept
Subaru, the automobile manufacturing unit of Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI), has introduced the new WRX saloon concept at the ongoing New York auto show.

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