UK Scientists Develop Helmet to Help Firefighters "See" in the Dark
British researchers have devised the prototype of a tactile helmet which uses vibrations to help on-duty firefighters find their way through dark or smoke-filled conditions.
Green meteorite may be from Mercury, a first
Scientists may have discovered the first meteorite from Mercury. The green rock found in Morocco last year may be the first known visitor from the solar system's innermost planet, according to meteorite scientist Anthony Irving, who unveiled the new findings ...
Robotic ants provide path to real ant brains
Robots built to mimic ants suggest that real ants waste little, if any, mental energy deciding which way to go when they reach an uneven fork in the road, according to a new study.
Humans and wildlife becoming adaptable to each other's presence: study
Both humans and wildlife are becoming adaptable to each other's presence, a newly published study led by WCS-India scientist Vidya Athreaya revealed.
Stanford researchers create genetic transistors, make biologic computing possible
Stanford researchers create genetic transistors, make biologic computing possible When constructing computer circuits, most folks start with silicon and metal, but not the researchers at Stanford.
Mystery of Desert 'Fairy Circles' Solved, Creators Found
The "artists" behind bizarre, barren, grassless rings dotting the desert of Southwest Africa have been found lurking right at scientists' feet: termites.
Scientists seek reason sea lion pups dying in rookeries, beaching on Southern ...
LOS ANGELES - Hundreds of starving sea lion pups are washing up on beaches from San Diego to Santa Barbara, overwhelming rescue centers and leaving scientists scrambling to figure out why.
Robotic jellyfish named Cyro could one day work for the Navy [video]
Meet Cyro, the latest robotic jellyfish to emerge from the engineering labs at Virginia Tech. Cyro measures 5 feet, 7 inches across and weighs in at 170 pounds.
Tree's elf-sized door opens up a Wonderland of possibilities
A tree with a tiny door? As Alice would say, "That's very curious!" But everything is curious these days, especially in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, where some mischievous elf installed a hinged door over a knothole at the base of a large tree and waited ...
Jumbo squid-cam uncovers secrets of elusive creature
To see firsthand how an elusive species of jumbo squid lives, scientists have strapped video cameras to the carnivorous sea creature in the eastern Pacific.
Q&A: Europe's freezing Easter and global warming
STOCKHOLM (AP) - Is it Easter or Christmas? Many Europeans would be forgiven for being confused by winter's icy grip on lands that should be thawing in springtime temperatures by now.
Thai Turtle Smuggler Caught With 14 Percent Of An Extremely Rare Species
Thai authorities arrested two smugglers who were trying to sneak 54 extremely rare Ploughshare Tortoises into the country, the wildlife trade monitoring group Traffic reports.
Rescuing manatees from Florida's red tide
(CBS News) TAMPA, Fla. - The manatee was barely breathing when rescuers found him -- a victim of the red tide outbreak along Florida's west coast that has killed 207 manatees in the last three months.
Microsoft Worldwide Telescope brings the universe to your computer
Microsoft doesn't get a lot of credit for being innovative, but its Microsoft Research lab actually develops a ton of awesome technology.
Nesting eagles in Weber County
WEBER COUNTY, Utah - A pair of nesting eagles are taking care of their eggs at the Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area, and according to the Division of Wildlife Resources, the nest is the first and only bald eagles' nest to be found in that area.
New England cottontail needs intervention to avoid extinction
There is a little irony in this storyâ€"it's about an animal so noted for its fecundity that the trait has become a cliché, and yet it now needs human intervention to avoid becoming an endangered species.
Rare Chinese Porpoises Dive Toward Extinction
Giant pandas have become China's poster child for endangered species, but now another iconic animal in the country can claim to be ever rarer than the bears.
Tarpon, bonefish workshop and webinar set in April
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- State wildlife officials are hosting workshops and webinars on the management of tarpon and bonefish in state and federal waters off Florida.
Whooping cranes released in La. build 1st nest, but they're still too young to lay ...
NEW ORLEANS - For the first time in decades, a pair of whooping cranes in Louisiana has built a nest outside captivity. But biologists say they don't expect eggs this year because the birds are too young.
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