Researchers create ultra-thin and flexible Harry Potter-like invisibility cloak
Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have created a new, ultra-thin (0.15mm) Harry Potter-like invisibility cloak. Until now, most invisibility cloaks have been large, cumbersome, desk-mounted constructions that really stretch the definition of the ...
Astronomers discover new class of supernova
US astronomers say they've discovered a new class of supernova that doesn't fit in the two previously known categories. Supernova remnants Enlarge.
Arctic ice loss may drive extreme weather patterns
Anyone forced to shovel their car out of a snowbank this winter might wonder just how it is a blizzard can occur in a warming climate.
Half the length of US streams and rivers in poor condition
The news from a comprehensive national survey of river and stream health is not good: Only about a fifth of the length of America's rivers and streams is in good biological condition, while 55% is in poor shape.
Human-caused loss of bird species studied
The takah , a large flightless bird from New Zealand. Many species similar to this went extinct in the tropical Pacific in the years following first colonization of their island homes by humans.
Was duck penis study an appropriate use of taxpayer money?
The National Science Foundation has been criticized for spending $384,949 on a Yale University study that examined, among other things, the particulars of duck penises.
Icelandic police issue civil warning after quakes
LONDON (AP) - Icelandic police say seismic activity near the Hekla volcano has prompted them to declare an "uncertainty phase" - the lowest level of civil warning.
UFOs in Liberty County puzzle deputies and residents
That's the description an excited caller gave to Liberty County's 911 emergency dispatcher about UFOs that he'd spotted about 8:30 p.m.
Moon and Solar System Asteroids Have a lot in Common
The moon rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts have been in an almost constant state of investigation since they arrived on Earth, investigation which - when combined with studies into howardite and eucrite meteorites - have led NASA scientists to ...
Will nanowires provide a breakthrough for solar power efficiency?
Wires one-ten-thousandth the diameter of a human hair can absorb more of the sun's power than previously thought possible, a new study in Nature Photonics suggests.
Who Has the Right to Mine an Asteroid?
As PopMech has relentlessly covered, the race is on to tap the mineral wealth tucked away in the asteroids. But are these big space rocks free for the taking, or will asteroid miners find themselves bogged down in outer space red tape?
Mount Olive hosts robotics competition
Mount Olive High School wins robotics championship: The Mount Olive High School Robotics Team won the District Championship Sunday.
Sea Turtle Wine Released By California Winemaker
(Photo : Sea Turtle Conservancy) Sea Turtle Conservancy has partnered with Weibel Family Vineyards to produce a special label of wines called “Sea Turtle Selections.
Students win Science Olympiad
Junior Mitchell Gu, left, and senior Nguyen Le direct their robot arm to move pencils, screws, and tubes on March 9 during the Minnesota Science Olympiad Tournament.
Endangered, Creepy-Looking Aye-Aye's Genome Sequenced for First Time
(Photo : Flickr/Frank Vassen) The endangered aye-aye, a type of lemur, has had its complete genome sequenced for the first time in an attempt to help guide conservation efforts.
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