Thursday, March 21, 2013

[Science] 'Infant' universe, born before we knew

'Infant' universe, born before we knew
Astronomers released the latest and most exquisite baby picture yet of the universe on Thursday, one that showed it to be 80 million to 100 million years older and a little fatter, with more light and dark matter than previously thought, and perhaps ever so ...

Mega-eruptions Caused Mass Extinction, Study Finds
Along sea cliffs in southern England, geologist Paul Olsen of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory samples rocks from near the 201,564,000-year Triassic extinction boundary.

Apollo rocket engines recovered by Bezos team
Two long-lost engines from Apollo-era rockets have been hauled from a depth of more than 4km in the Atlantic Ocean. The F-1 engines are from the first stage of a Saturn rocket, which were used throughout the Apollo programme - one of which launched men ...

Wave of prawn deaths baffles Chile city of Coronel
Thousands of dead prawns have washed up on a beach in Chile, sparking an investigation. Hundreds of dead crabs were also washed ashore in Coronel city, about 530km (330 miles) from the capital, Santiago.

Bow-legged robot can scamper across rugged terrain
A six-legged, hamster-sized robot that can easily scamper across sand, gravel and similarly unstable surfaces could lead to better rovers for exploring Mars and other alien worlds, researchers say.

Neanderthal Genome Data Sheds Light on Human Ancestors
Scientists at Germany's Max Planck Institute have released a final version of a high-quality sequencing of a Neanderthal genome, which could shed light on why humans survived and earlier hominid species did not.

Cordillera Azul National Park In Peru Boasts New Lizard Species Discovery ...
Two new colorful species of lizards have been discovered in the Peruvian rain forest, in a little-explored section of the Andes Mountains in the northeast of the country.

Sinkhole Claims Pond In California Backyard
A California man named Mark Korb woke up last Sunday morning to find a giant hole in his backyard where a pond used to be. Korb, who has an intact pond adjacent to the drained pond, believes a sinkhole managed to completely drain his pond in a mere ...

Trout Guts Balloon for Yearly Gorge
Forget Thanksgiving: In the world of gorging, the Dolly Varden trout has humans and their holidays beat. A new study finds this trout feasts once a year, expanding its gut up to four times the usual size to make the space.

Time to catch a whale sighting on the coast
The first gray whales were spotted at the Oregon State Parks Whale Watching Center in Depoe Bay, heading northward on their annual spring migration.

Farmington High School Robotics Team Competes While Promoting Engineering
This season's robot, Hawkeye, bagged up and waiting for the Connecticut Regional. (Nicholas Rondinone, Hartford Courant / March 20, 2013 /March 21, 2013).

'Lost' Tectonic Plate Found Under California
Ever have one of those days when you can't find anything: your keys, your cell phone or that darned Farallon tectonic plate? I'm happy to report some progress on the plate.

Replacing MDG framework will not help the poor
Sir, Ricardo Hausmann has a curious take on the Millennium Development Goals - the international framework for eradicating poverty (“Time for a Wikipedia overseas aid policy”, Comment, March 19).

EROS Reveals Landsat 8's First Images
EROS Data Center scientists in Garretson have the first snapshots from a new satellite to place into their photo album. Scientific history is developing at EROS Data Center.

Dragon Prepares to Leave, New Station Crew Trio Prepares to Launch
The three Expedition 35 crew members aboard the International Space Station continued their focus on materials and fluids physics science this week.

Frank is swimming with sharks, Friday on the AM news
Here's what to expect Friday on the FOX19 Morning News.Cue the scary shark theme music! Frank swims with the shark rays. We're live from the Newport Aquarium all morning!

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