Tuesday, March 19, 2013

[Science] Melting Sea Ice Keeps Hungry Polar Bears on Land

Melting Sea Ice Keeps Hungry Polar Bears on Land
Polar bears, the iconic victims of climate change, are shifting their migration patterns because of changes in sea ice. The bears are arriving on land earlier and departing later, a new study found, and it's threatening their access to food.

Asteroid Threat Collides With Earthly Budget Realities In Congress
NASA and other space experts took to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology stage recently, and their remarks about possible asteroid doomsday scenarios are a double-edged sword.

Atlas V rocket blasts off from Cape Canaveral with satellite
Rocket launches missile-warning satellite to orbit: A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral on Tuesday with a new-generation missile-warning satellite.

Giant Squid Worldwide Are One Species
Mysterious past. A genetic study suggests giant squid may have gone through a population boom. Credit: Mark Norman. Fifteen years ago, biologist Thomas Gilbert walked into a store in Cambridge, U.K.

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