Friday, March 1, 2013

[Science] SpaceX rocket poised for flight to space station

SpaceX rocket poised for flight to space station
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - A private rocket is poised to blast off Friday on a supply run to the International Space Station. The unmanned Falcon rocket is owned by the SpaceX company.

One rat brain 'talks' to another using electronic link
Scientists have connected the brains of lab rats, allowing one to communicate directly to another via cables. The wired brain implants allowed sensory and motor signals to be sent from one rat to another, creating the first ever brain-to-brain interface.

NASA discovers third radiation belt around Earth before it mysteriously disappears
The Van Allen Probes have revealed a third radiation bell extending out into space, according to NASA. By deciding to turn on the Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) early in order that its observations would overlap with the SAMPEX mission, ...

Richard the Daisyheart! Leader of the Third Crusade had flowers, mint and ...
Richard the Lionheart ended up with a heart full of daisies, mint and frankincense, a French study of his mummified heart has discovered.

Whoa! Mutant Tadpoles Sprout Eyeballs on Their Tails
A major roadblock when it comes to treating blindness and other sensory disorders is how much remains unknown about the nervous system and its ability to adapt to change.

Mars Rover Curiosity Eats First Rock Powder Samples
(Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS ) Mars rover curiosity has ingested portions of the first samples from collected from the inside of the Martian Rock.

Comet Could Hit, Radically Change Mars in 2014
MOSCOW, February 28 (RIA Novosti) - New observations confirm that a comet heading toward Mars could collide with it in October 2014, possibly ushering in radical environmental change on the Red Planet, astronomy enthusiasts said.

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