Tuesday, March 19, 2013

[Science] Team-player chimps may shed light on origins of human cooperation

Team-player chimps may shed light on origins of human cooperation
Just like enterprising humans, chimpanzees can be good team players to achieve their goals, according to a new study. The findings, published in Biology Letters, give a glimpse into the possible origins of human cooperative behavior.

Researchers Publish Improved Neanderthal Genome
Researchers in Germany said Tuesday they have completed the first high-quality sequencing of a Neanderthal genome and are making it freely available online for other scientists to study.

Birds evolve shorter wings to survive on roads
Nature, red in wheel and fender. Birds in Nebraska have evolved shorter wings, which may help them avoid dying on roads by taking off quickly and darting away from cars.

Congress hears options for asteroid defense: Pay now or pray later
Congress hears options for asteroid defense: Pay now or pray later. NASA says it needs more money to protect the planet from asteroids.

5 years ago, mighty Hawaiian volcano blew its top
By Becky Oskin LiveScience. On this day in 2008, molten lava blasted through the summit of Kilauea volcano at 2:58 a.m. Hawaii time.

10 Animals We'd Like to Come Back from Extinction
It's not just Jurassic Park anymore: scientists are making progress bringing back extinct animals through cloning, having even brought the Pyrenean ibex back to life, although it lived only for a few minutes.

Atlas V rocket blasts off from Cape Canaveral with satellite
Rocket launches missile-warning satellite to orbit: A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral on Tuesday with a new-generation missile-warning satellite.

Dead Whale Contains a Bounty of Life
A dead whale is a cozy place to live. In death, splayed over the seafloor, the massive marine mammals offer deep-sea organisms an embarrassment of blubbery and bony riches that feed entire communities of unusual creatures for decades.

NASA Moon Craft Spots Ebb and Flow Crash Sites
When NASA's twin spacecraft Ebb and Flow crashed into the moon last year, scientists did not count on seeing the aftermath. On Tuesday, the space agency released before-and-after pictures of the lunar north pole where Ebb and Flow came to rest.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Scientists wonder why the rooster crows
Roosters, famously, crow in the early morn -- but scientists don't fully understand why they unleash their voices when they do.

Gold seams form in an earthquake-powered flash
Over 80 per cent of the world's commercial gold deposits formed in a flash. Using a simple model, geologists have shown that mountain-building earthquakes deep below Earth's surface pull apart rocks so quickly that the high-pressure fluids they contain ...

Watch Comet Pan-STARRS Race Around The Sun
Comet Pan-STARRS is visible in many parts of the U.S. around sunset, and it was at its peak brightness a few days ago when it made its closest pass to the sun.

These Chicks Are Not of the Easter Basket Variety
After about 70 days of carefully controlled incubation beneath deep river sand, heated electrically from below, three rare maleo chicks have hatched at the Bronx Zoo.

St. Patrick's Day aurora
Skywatchers from all over Alaska were treated to a rare show late on the night of March 16 through the early morning hours of March 17.

Local Student Designs a Nasal Spirometer For Regional Science Fair
The Piedmont Regional Science Fair was held on Wednesday, March 13. More than 350 middle and high school students showed off their projects in hopes of getting first place and the chance to more on to states and then international competitions.

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