Friday, March 1, 2013

[Science] Watch Live: SpaceX's Dragon Blasts Off to Space Station

Watch Live: SpaceX's Dragon Blasts Off to Space Station
Watch Live: SpaceX's Dragon Blasts Off to Space Station · Beneficial Bacteria May Protect Against Pimples · Resurrecting the Rainbow Colors of Insect Fossils · Science Blogs · Want to Know What Scientists are Doing with Your Money?

NASA Discovers New Radiation Belt Around Earth
A ring of radiation previously unknown to science fleetingly surrounded Earth last year before being virtually annihilated by a powerful interplanetary shock wave, scientists say.

Mars mission poses greater risk to human life than Nasa would allow
The private mission to Mars proposed by the US millionaire Dennis Tito marks a dramatic shift in the level of risk that humans may be willing to take in space exploration.

Mars Curiosity rover experiences first major malfunction
So far it's been smooth sailing for the Curiosity rover on Mars, and it's even taken the time to snap a few Instagram-worthy self portraits.

Meteor City Sheds Soviet Nuclear Specter in Tourism Push
The last time a disaster with global impact struck Chelyabinsk, officials covered it up for three decades. This time, they're marketing it to the world.

King Richard I's Heart Reveals Key to Preservation: Organ Analyzed in Detail
(Photo : Wikimedia Commons) The heart of King Richard I has been found, and researchers have now analyzed what was used to preserve it.

IPCC urges Obama to raise awareness of science behind climate change
Barack Obama should spread awareness of the "scientific realities of climate change" in the US, the head of the UN's climate science panel has told the Guardian.

New York: How Sandy became the tipping point for city's response to climate ...
Back in the year 2000, scientists putting together the US's first national assessment of climate change warned rising sea levels meant that New York City's “airports, subways, highways, and major road and railroad tunnels .

Comet Pan-STARRS
This could be a spectacular year for comets, ending with one that may be the brightest comet in many years appearing in the last 2-3 months of the year.

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