Monday, April 1, 2013

[Health] 2 Men in China Die of Lesser-Known Strain of Bird Flu

2 Men in China Die of Lesser-Known Strain of Bird Flu
SHANGHAI - Two men have died here after contracting a strain of avian flu that had not been previously found in humans, Xinhua, China's official news agency, reported Sunday.

KATHY VOCHOSKA: Save a life -- sign up as an organ and tissue donor
In 2011, I donated one of my kidneys to my 22-year-old son. The trial of seeing him in kidney failure and witnessing the impact dialysis was having on his day-to-day life, and then walking through the transplant process as a family, changed my life forever.

NY Medicaid Scores High On Handling Common, Costly Diseases
New York State is getting high marks for the quality of health care offered through its Medicaid plans, but there's still a long road ahead in improving health care for all New Yorkers.

A “neuroscience arms race”
This past March, the Ontario government announced it would spend $100 million over the next five years on brain research. This research investment will follow recent initiatives such as the Obama administration's $3 billion pledge to advance a ...

Good News for Overweight Children and Their Parents
Good news for overweight children and their parents: A study published in the journal Pediatrics today shows that small steps - and a self-help guide - help kids lose weight.

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