Friday, March 1, 2013

[Science] Monster Black Hole's Spin Revealed for 1st Time

Monster Black Hole's Spin Revealed for 1st Time
Astronomers have made the first reliable measurement of a supermassive black hole's spin, showcasing a technique that could help unravel the mysteries of these monsters' growth and evolution.

Russian meteor town in tourism bid
The 10,000-ton meteor entered the Earth's atmosphere producing a sonic boom. It shattered into pieces between 18 and 32 miles above Chelyabinsk, to the east of the Ural Mountains in southern Russia.

Comet Could Hit, Radically Change Mars in 2014
MOSCOW, February 28 (RIA Novosti) - New observations confirm that a comet heading toward Mars could collide with it in October 2014, possibly ushering in radical environmental change on the Red Planet, astronomy enthusiasts said.

'Invisibility cloak' unveiled at TED conference
The invisibility cloak has long been a staple of science fiction, with Harry Potter famously using one in his wizard adventures. But to gasps from the audience, a scientist from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore demonstrated an experiment that ...

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