Friday, March 1, 2013

[U.S.] Man trapped in 100-foot-wide sinkhole near Tampa

Man trapped in 100-foot-wide sinkhole near Tampa
BRANDON, Fla. A large sinkhole opened under the bedroom of a house near Tampa, trapping a 34-year-old man in the rubble. The home collapsed late Thursday in a Brandon neighborhood.

Sequester: GOP and White House set to let deadline expire without deal
The chances of a last-minute deal in the latest US tax and spending crisis appeared to be receding after Republican leaders said no new compromise would be tabled in talks at the White House scheduled for Friday.

Tips for dealing with workplace bullying
More than a third of U.S. workers have experienced workplace bullying, the repeated mistreatment by a boss or co-workers, which includes verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation, harassment or social exclusion, according to the Workplace Bullying ...

US Asks Justices to Reject California's Ban on Gay Marriage
The Obama administration threw its support behind a broad claim for marriage equality on Thursday, and urged the Supreme Court to rule that voters in California were not entitled to ban same-sex marriage there.

Voting Rights Needed Now More Than Ever
Congressman John Lewis discussed the need to resurrect the civil rights activism of the 60's and 70's when he visited with Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Gay Plair Cobb and Paul Cobb on a recent trip to Oakland.

Judge orders Fort Hood suspect Nidel Hasan to stand trial in 3 months
A judge has ordered Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the military psychiatrist who is accused of fatally shooting 13 at Fort Hood, Texas, to stand trial in three months.

Signs of a Republican Senate-race pulse
Maybe the U.S. Senate race to replace John Kerry will be more competitive than we previously thought. For starters, who would have imagined the Republicans, after absorbing the shock of Scott Brown's decision not to run, could muster three candidates for ...

Local goes from watching to ribbon at dog show
Kathy Rhodes and Zhako enjoy some down time after attending the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Feb. 11. Zhako returned home with a Best of Winners ribbon.

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