Monday, December 31, 2012

[Health] Anti-diarrheal approved for HIV patients

Anti-diarrheal approved for HIV patients
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Fulyzaq to relieve symptoms of diarrhea in HIV/AIDS patients taking anti-retroviral therapy, officials say.

No State Funding for Planned Parenthood
For months, it's been a bitter battle between the Lone Star State and Planned Parenthood, and on Monday that battle raged on. A Texas Judge ruled funding can be cut off to the organization's family planning programs for poor women.

2013 celebrated outdoors with First Day Hike
All 50 state park systems are sponsoring guided First Day Hikes today, offering individuals and families an opportunity to kick off the new year with a healthy, outdoor activity.

Edge on the Clock: Panda Blood Kills Superbugs!
Panda juice will cure what ails you! So say scientists who've found a powerful antibiotic in panda blood. So if we could get rid of MRSA, SARS, and similar diseases, but it would mean the loss of all pandas, would you be for it?

Yemen health officials on alert after five deaths from H1N1 virus
SANAA, Yemen, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- Public health officials in Yemen say they are setting up an operations center to deal with a potential outbreak of swine flu after the deaths of five people.

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