Saturday, December 29, 2012

[Science] The Higgs Fiasco and the Electric Sun [ w/ videos]

The Higgs Fiasco and the Electric Sun [ w/ videos]
Famed physicist and science writer Michio Kaku said it best: if physics doesn't discover the Higgs Boson Particle it would be a “disaster” for modern physics.

Ignited Comet to Pass Earth at End of 2013 for the First Time in Over 300 Years
On New Years' Eve in 2013, if you look to the night sky, you may see a comet barreling past earth, glowing brighter than a full moon.

Economic wave may course through icy, but melting, Arctic
WASHINGTON -- In a twist to the debate over global warming, melting Arctic sea ice is making it easier to transport the fossil fuels that produce the planet-warming gases, which appear to be causing it to thaw in the first place.

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