Monday, December 31, 2012

[World] New Year's Eve around the world

New Year's Eve around the world
Sydney's skyline erupts in the world's first major celebration of the new year, and the enthusiastic welcome continues across the globe.

Venezuela Says Chávez 'Stable'
CARACASâ€"Venezuela's government said President Hugo Chávez spent the day Monday with his children and that he is "calm and stable," rebutting swirling talk that 58-year-old socialist leader is near death or perhaps already dead from complications after ...

North Korean leader, in rare address, seeks end to confrontation with South
By Jack Kim. SEOUL | Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:41pm EST. SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for an end to confrontation between the two Koreas, technically still at war in the absence of a peace treaty to end their 1950-53 conflict, in a ...

Pakistanis release 8 Afghan Taliban prisoners
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan has release another batch of Afghan Taliban prisoners, the Foreign Ministry announced Monday, a further sign of the Pakistani government's willingness to facilitate efforts by Washington and Kabul to negotiate a peace ...

Asian economies face regional and global challenges
On the face of it, Asian economies are entering the new year on a positive note. There are signs that growth in China, the region's biggest and the world's second-biggest economy, may be rebounding.

Syrian Military Mounts Offensive in Suburb of Damascus
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Syria's military was mounting what opposition activists said was the largest incursion in months on a rebellious suburb of Damascus on Monday, in an effort to drive back rebel forces that have taken up positions within miles of the center ...

Wave of attacks in Iraq kill 22 amid anti-gov't protests
BAGHDAD, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- A wave of bombings and shootings killed 22 people and wounded at least 69 others on Monday across Iraq, as the country grappled with anti-government protests and political row ahead of an annual major Shiite ritual.

Cyber defense techniques adopted in Iran's ongoing naval drills
TEHRAN, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- Iranian commander Rear Admiral Amir Rastegari said Sunday that Iran adopted cyber defense techniques and conducted coastal defense against hypothetical enemy forces on the third day of ongoing naval military exercises, ...

Two of Israel's most precious national institutions have fallen to Likud hysteria
Likud officials criticized both the Supreme Court and President Shimon Peres for two very different offenses; Netanyahu may be Israel's next prime minister, but he should remember: anyone who is attacked by the Likud only grows stronger.

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