Saturday, December 29, 2012

[Health] FDA clears anti-clotting drug Eliquis

FDA clears anti-clotting drug Eliquis
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Food and Drug Administration said Friday that it approved an anti-clotting drug called Eliquis, developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

Is 'quit smoking' your New Year's resolution? There's lots of help
Pictured are packs of cigarettes waiting to be purchased at a Chicago area news stand Friday, Nov. 30, 2012. New tobacco products have come nearly to a halt in the U.S.

41 Pakistani drug addicts die after drinking toxic cough syrup
GUJRANWALA, PAKISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- More than 40 people, the majority of them drug addicts, have died in eastern Pakistan after drinking a cough syrup believed to have been toxic, doctors and police officials said on Saturday.

US mentally ill and their families face barriers to care
By Sharon Begley. NEW YORK | Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:27am EST. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lori, a 39-year-old mother in New Jersey, would like to save for the usual things: college, retirement, vacations.

The secret to making New Year's resolutions stick
There are three areas in life where we make resolutions: clinical (how you feel), relationships (marriage, dating, family friends, work) and performance (dreams, goals, talents, accomplishments).

Health care law may help Baby Boomers
The federal government is moving forward with the Affordable Care Act. And Baby Boomers stand to gain the most. doctor x-ray thinkstock.

Cunard's Queen Mary II cruise ship hit by norovirus
A cruise ship due to arrive in Hampshire is undergoing extra cleaning following an outbreak of the norovirus winter vomiting bug. Cunard's Queen Mary II currently has 19 confirmed cases of the illness on board, the company has said.

Asparagus: Effective hangover helper?
Known hangover helpers: Aspirin, water, rest -- and asparagus? A new study claims that the flowering green vegetable has the power to take the edge off your painful morning after and provide aid to your liver.

Genetically Engineered Salmon Nears FDA Approval
Genetically engineered salmon could make its way onto plates in the new year, but your body won't notice anything fishy about the filet, experts say.

Study links milk-producing protein to aggressive breast cancer
By Tan Ee Lyn. HONG KONG | Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:14am EST. HONG KONG (Reuters) - The discovery that a protein which triggers milk production in women may also be responsible for making breast cancers aggressive could open up new opportunities for ...

Why Are so Many Veterans in Prison?
Following what is quickly becoming a nation-wide trend in the U.S., the Indian Creek Correctional Center in Chesapeake, Virginia, recently opened a veterans-only dorm to house prisoners who are former soldiers.

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