Sunday, December 30, 2012

[World] Venezuela VP: Chavez suffers 'new complications'

Venezuela VP: Chavez suffers 'new complications'
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Hugo Chavez has suffered "new complications" following his cancer surgery in Cuba, his vice president said Sunday, describing the Venezuelan leader's condition as delicate.

19 Shiite Pilgrims Bound for Iran Are Killed in Pakistan
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - At least 19 Shiite pilgrims, including four women, were killed Sunday when their convoy of three buses in southwestern Pakistan was struck by a remotely detonated bomb, officials said.

Castrate all rapists, says Zubin Mehta
BEIJING: World famous composer of Indian origin, Zubin Mehta, called for castration of all accused in the Delhi gang-rape case and others found committing the rape in India.

UN issues dire new warning on Syrian carnage
The international envoy to Syria has warned the war in the country is worsening by the day, and that as many as 100,000 people could die in the next year.

In Germany, Merkel's Main Rival Appears to Stumble From Gaffe to Gaffe
Peer Steinbrück, second from right, at a party conference this month. He recently said Angela Merkel had a “women's bonus.” By NICHOLAS KULISH.

Japan Detains Chinese Fishing Boat Amid Tensions Over Islands
Japan detained a Chinese fishing boat that entered its waters, bringing the captain and two of the vessel's crew members in for questioning, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Israel's former foreign minister indicted on fraud charges
JERUSALEM - Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's controversial former foreign minister, was indicted Sunday on charges of fraud and breach of trust.

Envoy to Syria Warns of Slide to Hellish Fiefs With Huge Toll
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The international envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, drew a grim portrait on Sunday of the country's future in the absence of a political solution, warning of a state carved up by warlords and a death toll that would rapidly surge, while ...

Record number of Afghan soldiers killed in 2012
KABUL - More than 1,000 Afghan soldiers died in action this year, the highest since the Taliban insurgency began, as the army assumes more responsibility before NATO forces withdraw in 2014, officials said Sunday.

Pakistani Minister Welcomes Taliban Negotiation Offer
Officials in northwest Pakistan say they welcome the Pakistani Taliban's offer to negotiate with the government. In a video released to news outlets, Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud said his group is open to talks with the government if Pakistan ...

The flame has only got brighter
Protesters returned with increased vigour to Jantar Mantar amid heavy police presence on Sunday. They continued to demand justice for the 23-year-old gangrape victim who passed away on Saturday.

Southern Utah 2012 New Year's fireworks guide city-by-city; restrictions ...
SOUTHERN UTAH - Fireworks are a popular part of New Year's Eve celebrations across the country and should be used safely and legally.

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