Monday, December 31, 2012

[World] North Korea's Kim Jong-Un vows radical economic shift

North Korea's Kim Jong-Un vows radical economic shift
NORTH Korea's young leader Kim Jong-Un has called for a "radical turnabout" in the impoverished country's economy, in a rare New Year's address that also urged improved relations with the South.

Indian New Year Somber After Gang Rape Victim's Death
Many across India canceled festive New Year's Eve celebrations Monday out of respect for the young woman who died days earlier from injuries suffered during a brutal gang rape.

2013: Asia's time?
Editor's note: Each day this week, GPS Senior Producer Ravi Agrawal will look at what's in store for the world in 2013. He begins today with Asia.

UN Security Council imposes arms embargo on M23 and FDLR rebels in Congo
UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council imposed an arms embargo on the M23 and FDLR rebel groups in an attempt to quell fighting in Congo's conflict-wracked eastern region.

Syrian Military Mounts Offensive in Suburb of Damascus
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Syria's military was mounting what opposition activists said was the largest incursion in months on a rebellious suburb of Damascus on Monday, in an effort to drive back rebel forces that have taken up positions within miles of the center ...

The West Bank's 2012: The Year of the Israeli Settlement
A Palestinian shepherd overlooking greater Jerusalem as he stands watching his flock as it grazes on the area of Givat Hamatos, in southern Jerusalem, Dec. 19, 2012.

Visa Issue in China Forces Out Times Reporter
Visa Issue in China Forces Out Times Reporter. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. Published: December 31, 2012. BEIJING - A correspondent for The New York Times was forced to leave mainland China on Monday after the authorities declined to issue him a ...

New Year's Eve around the world
Sydney's skyline erupts in the world's first major celebration of the new year, and the enthusiastic welcome continues across the globe.

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