Monday, December 31, 2012

[World] New Year's Eve celebrations around the world: live

New Year's Eve celebrations around the world: live
... Off. • Australia, China, India welcomes in the New Year • Revellers around the world prepare to celebrate 2013 • Venezuela cancels celebrations as Hugo Chavez health flags • Britain expects washout New Year as flooding countinues • Record turnout ...

Chavez suffers new complications in cancer fight
Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro did not give details about the complications related to cancer surgery Hugo Chavez was suffering from.

Gang-rape victim's family want six men accused of murder to be hanged Add to ...
The family of an Indian gang-rape victim said they would not rest until her killers are hanged as they spoke of their own pain and trauma over a crime that has united the country in grief.

Pakistan 'frees Afghan Taliban ex-minister Mullah Turabi'
Pakistan has freed the Afghan Taliban's ex-justice minister, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, and three other Taliban prisoners, officials say.

NKorea's Kim wants better living standards, arms
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says his people must pursue economic improvement with the same urgency scientists put into the launch of a long-range rocket last month.

DR Congo M23 rebels placed under UN sanctions
The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions against leaders of the M23 rebel movement in DR Congo. The sanctions freezes assets of those linked to the group, and its alleged allies in Rwanda, the FDLR, and bars them from travel, diplomats told AFP.

Western officials: There is no proof Assad has used chemical weapons on Syrians
Western officials: There is no proof Assad has used chemical weapons on Syrians. Over the last two weeks, opposition forces have claimed that chemical weapons have been used against them dozens of times.

Senate report details major changes in Benghazi explanation
WASHINGTON - A Senate report says the CIA, the FBI and the intelligence community all made major changes in talking points that led to the Obama administration's confusing public explanation of the attack on U.S.

7 die after S. Africa police fitness run in heat
Seven South African men seeking jobs as traffic police died as a result of a fitness-test run in 92-degree heat. Six men in their 20s died after collapsing from heat exhaustion and dehydration Thursday afternoon during the 2.4-mile run in a stadium in the ...

Visa Issue in China Forces Out Times Reporter
Visa Issue in China Forces Out Times Reporter. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. Published: December 31, 2012. BEIJING - A correspondent for The New York Times was forced to leave mainland China on Monday after the authorities declined to issue him a ...

Partners in peace still committed to two-state solution
We say goodbye to 2012 without regret. 2012 has been a very difficult year for the peace-loving people of this region: in Gaza and the West Bank, and in Israel.

Yemeni security officials say suspected US drone strike kills 3 al-Qaida fighters ...
SANAA, Yemen - Three al-Qaida militants were killed in a suspected U.S. drone strike in southern Yemen, Yemeni security officials said, the fourth such attack this week and a sign attacks from unmanned aircraft are on the upswing in the country.

'Majority of Israeli Jews pessimistic about peace'
Poll finds that 83% of Israeli Jews do not believe that a withdrawal to the '67 borders, division of J'lem would end conflict.

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