Saturday, December 29, 2012

[Health] Norovirus winter bug cases hit one million

Norovirus winter bug cases hit one million
More than one million people could have caught the winter sickness bug called norovirus, according to experts. The Health Protection Agency says there have been about 3,538 confirmed cases in England and Wales since the summer, 83% more than the ...

Health care law may help Baby Boomers
The federal government is moving forward with the Affordable Care Act. And Baby Boomers stand to gain the most. doctor x-ray thinkstock.

Save Your Eyes: Learn How to Properly Uncork Champagne
Popping champagne and wine bottles on new year's is a long-standing tradition, but doctors with the American Academy of Ophthalmology warn that flying corks can cause serious eye injury.

8 Healthy Habits for the New Year
Happy almost new year! It's that time when a lot of us are looking ahead and thinking of what resolutions we're going to make for the coming year.

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