Monday, December 31, 2012

[World] After the death of the Delhi rape victim, the fight for women's rights must go on

After the death of the Delhi rape victim, the fight for women's rights must go on
The young woman who died on Saturday in a Singapore hospital, rendered there by an Indian government unnerved by her catalytic power, is unlikely to have aspired to the multiple campaigning names bestowed upon her.

Venezuelan Leader Suffers 'New Complications'
Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro spoke on state television on December 30 to announce President Hugo Chavez has suffered "new complications" after cancer surgery in Cuba.

Chinese boat detained for allegedly fishing in Japanese waters
TOKYO, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- Japan's Coast Guard has detained a Chinese fishing boat for alleged unauthorized fishing inside the country's exclusive economic zone, the Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka confirmed here on Sunday.

Eurozone live: Angela Merkel warns crisis is 'far from over'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel poses for photographs after the recording of her annual New Year's speech German chancellor Angela Merkel poses for photographs after recording her annual new year's speech at the Chancellery in Berlin yesterday.

Syria peace envoy warns of surge in death toll
The Syrian civil war could claim another 100,000 lives over the next year if the government and the rebels fighting it do not negotiate a settlement, the international peace mediator warned Sunday.

Myanmar Muslims recall Buddhist assault
SIN THET MAW, Myanmar (AP) - Stranded beside their decrepit flotilla of wooden boats, on a muddy beach far from home, the Muslim refugees tell story after terrifying story of their exodus from a once-peaceful town on Myanmar's western coast.

Myanmar to fete 2013 with first public countdown
YANGON, Myanmar (AP) - Myanmar will ring in the new year with its first public countdown and a grand fireworks display Monday night in a celebration unprecedented in the former military-ruled country.

Protests continue after Indian rape victim's death
Peaceful protests are continuing across India in response to the brutal gang-rape and subsequent death of a medical student. The 23-year-old woman died of her injuries in a Singapore hospital on Saturday after the savage December 16 attack, which took ...

Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini dies
Italy's "Lady of the Cells," Rita Levi-Montalcini has passed away aged 103. She was a joint Nobel Prize for Medicine winner in 1986, owing to her work unlocking the mysteries of how cells develop.

Damp spirits set to keep Britons at home on New Year's Eve
Battered by rain and fearful of what the future may bring, millions of Britons are preparing to celebrate this New Year's Eve quietly at home.

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