Monday, December 31, 2012

[Health] Rita Levi-Montalcini: Nobel Prize-winning biologist who was forced to keep work ...

Rita Levi-Montalcini: Nobel Prize-winning biologist who was forced to keep work ...
A Nobel Prize winning scientist who defied Italy's facist regime and and carried out key research into human cells underground during World War Two has died aged 103.

Yay for Recess: Pediatricians Say It's as Important as Math or Reading
Recess is most children's favorite period, and parents and teachers should encourage that trend, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

New Year, New Headache? Hangover Cures and Myths
After the Times Square ball drops on New Year's Eve and copious amounts of Champagne get toasted and drunk, many might find themselves forgetting more ”auld acquaintances” than they intended and waking up to 2013 with a vicious hangover.

E-cigarettes ineffective in fighting addiction: Study
WASHINGTON: Electronic cigarettes may not be useful in combating smoking addiction as they are still delivering nicotine to the body, an Italian government study has warned.

Open with caution: How that bottle of bubbly could leave you blind
We all savour the sound of a champagne cork popping. But those of us too squeamish to open the bottle for fear of a fast-flying cork might be onto something.

Arizona Witnesses Rise in Whooping Cough Cases
Arizona Witnesses Rise in Whooping Cough Cases Arizona has been witnessing a rise in whooping cough cases. State health officials have affirmed that a significant rise in whooping cough cases has been witnessed in 2012 in comparison to 2010.

Exercise savvy and you won't spend a bundle getting fit
LOS ANGELES -- The start of a new year inspires many of us to commit to get fit and live healthier. Resolving to eat right and exercise doesn't require emptying out one's wallet just to break a sweat and shed a few pounds.

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