Sunday, December 30, 2012

[Technology] Intel prepares to launch combo cable and streaming TV service

Intel prepares to launch combo cable and streaming TV service
With Apple chomping at the bit to revolutionize TV and Google renewing its efforts in the market, now Intel appears to have its ducks in a row to launch its own TV offering.

Technology review of the year 2012
The technology picture in 2012 was one of consolidation. Mobile remains the central battleground in consumer technology. The Google Android mobile platform continued to grow and the devices released to run it were better than ever.

Details of proposed sanctions emerge in Apple-Samsung case
Sanctions against Samsung in patent case before U.S. International Trade Commission would involve sales, import ban and posting of bond for 88 percent of value of smartphones at issue while potential bans were under review.

Apple found guilty of copyright infringement
According to the China Daily, Apple has been found guilty of copyright infringement in China. The company has been accused of illegally publishing material by some of China's most popular writers.

Foursquare to show users' full names, share more data
Check-in service details new privacy policy changes but notes that users will still have control over the names and information being made available.

Don't Drink and Drive New Year's Eve, AAA Offers Free Towing
New Years Eve is one of the most dangerous nights to drive on the road, which is why AAA of Alabama is offering you safe trip to home.

California to offer 'legacy license plates'
The California Department of Motor Vehicles is planning to issue nostalgia-stoking replicas of the yellow, blue and black plates that graced the state's bumpers from the 1950s to the 1970s.

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