Sunday, December 30, 2012

[World] Hugo Chávez suffers from 'new complications' after surgery

Hugo Chávez suffers from 'new complications' after surgery
Hugo Chávez has suffered "new complications" following his cancer surgery in Cuba, his vice president said, describing the Venezuelan leader's condition as delicate.

Family turns to public for help in search of American couple missing in Afghanistan
KABUL - The family of an ailing, pregnant American woman missing in Afghanistan with her Canadian husband has broken months of silence over the mysterious case, making public appeals for the couple's safe return.

Indian Women March: 'That Girl Could Have Been Any One of Us'
NEW DELHI - Neha Kaul Mehra says she was only 7 years old the first time she was sexually harassed. She was walking to a dance class in an affluent neighborhood of New Delhi when a man confronted her and began openly masturbating.

International Syria Envoy Warns of Surge in Deaths
The international envoy to Syria warned Sunday that as many as 100,000 could die in the next year if a way cannot be found quickly to end the country's civil war.

Bad brakes blamed for Moscow plane crash
Russian investigators say a defective brake system may be to blame for a Moscow plane crash that killed five crew members. The Red Wings airliner crashed into a motorway and broke up into three pieces after overshooting the runway at Vnukovo airport on ...

Japan Detains Chinese Fishing Boat Amid Tensions Over Islands
Japan detained a Chinese fishing boat that entered its waters, bringing the captain and two of the vessel's crew members in for questioning, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Israel Indicts Ex-Minister Lieberman
Israel's Justice Ministry filed its indictment against former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in a Jerusalem court on Sunday, charging him with breach of trust and fraud in a case that could further harm his political career.

Kidnapped Georgian soldier found dead in southern Afghanistan
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- A Georgian soldier who was reported missing in southern Afghanistan earlier this month was found dead on Saturday with multiple bullet wounds to his body, Afghan and coalition officials said on Sunday.

Envoy: 2013 could bring 100000 deaths in Syria
(CNN) -- The stench of the burnt bodies was so potent, Abu Jafar said, he could smell it from 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) away. "It smells awful because the regime appears to have burnt so many bodies recently," the opposition activist said Sunday from the ...

NYE revellers unfazed by crowds, booze ban
SINCE the moment American Melissa Sjostedt saw a photograph in National Geographic of dazzling fireworks on the Sydney Harbour Bridge she has wanted to see it in person.

Libya Coptic church blast kills two Egyptians
Two Egyptians have been killed and two injured in an apparent attack on a Coptic church building near the Libyan city of Misrata, officials say.

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