Saturday, December 29, 2012

[U.S.] Congressional leaders scrambling for a deal on 'fiscal cliff'

Congressional leaders scrambling for a deal on 'fiscal cliff'
WASHINGTON -- Senate leaders worked feverishly behind closed doors Saturday to avert the most painful parts of a looming fiscal crisis, debating which taxpayers could or should pay more as part of a deal that would ward off tax increases for everyone.

7 train psycho laughs maniacally as she's charged with pushing Indian ...
A deranged woman who told cops she detests Muslims broke into a maniacal fit of laughter as she was charged with a hate crime Saturday, three days after she allegedly shoved an Indian immigrant to his death in front of a Queens train.

Watch Night celebrations bring communities together 150 years later
While many will enthusiastically celebrate the passage of another year, some Americans will turn their energy toward worship and remembering the past.

NYC expects 2012 to have fewest murders on record
NEW YORK - The number of murders in New York City is expected to hit a record low this year, and shootings are at their lowest point in at least 18 years, officials said Friday.

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