Saturday, December 29, 2012

[Health] Cough Syrup Suspected to Have Killed 33 in Pakistan

Cough Syrup Suspected to Have Killed 33 in Pakistan
LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - The Pakistani authorities are investigating claims that cough syrup has killed 33 people over the past three days, a government official said Saturday, the second time in recent months that medicine is suspected of causing multiple ...

Study ties drug storage to cancer relapses
Disturbing new evidence on the medical dangers stemming from a shortage of some cancer drugs are reported new England journal of medicine finds that children and young adults.

Fiscal Cliff: Fewer doctors would take Medicare
Medicare reimbursement payments to doctors will be cut significantly, unless Congress moves to end its stalemate. Reimbursements to doctors will be cut by 26.5 percent as of Jan. 1, because of a failure by Congress to again adjust its formula for Medicare ...

Looking Ahead to AIDS-Free Generation
2012 was a year when political leaders and top health officials freely spoke of attaining an AIDS-free generation. In November, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled a blueprint for achieving that goal.

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