Monday, December 31, 2012

[Health] Queen Mary 2: Passengers sick with 'norovirus' on Caribbean cruise

Queen Mary 2: Passengers sick with 'norovirus' on Caribbean cruise
Hundreds of passengers hoping to enjoy a pampered Christmas cruise on the imposing Queen Mary 2 are instead below deck with an unknown illness that causes vomiting and diarrhea.

New Years Resolution to Quit Smoking May Have Some Meaning in 2013
There will be plenty of resolutions made this New Year's Eve, but one of the most common resolutions is also one of the most difficult to stick to: quitting smoking.

Keep recess in play, pediatricians urge
American Academy of Pediatrics' new policy statement says recess should never be withheld for punitive or academic reasons. School playground.

Benefits of quitting smoking
2013 begins tomorrow and we're pretty sure you're gearing up to make your health resolutions for the New Year. It's that time of year when we suddenly decide to lose weight, exercise, eat right and be nice.

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