Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Health] Being vegetarian can cut heart disease risk by up to a third

Being vegetarian can cut heart disease risk by up to a third
Being vegetarian can cut heart disease risk by up to a third Washington: A new study from the University of Oxford has found that the risk of hospitalisation or death from heart disease is 32 percent lower in vegetarians than people who eat meat and fish.

Inside Medical Marijuana: More Alaskans Using Cannabis For Treatment
More Alaskans are turning to medical marijuana and the state's medical marijuana registry has grown significantly in the past year.

Calories burned during sex overestimated, New England Journal of Medicine says
Many widely held beliefs about weight loss don't stand up to scientific scrutiny, say doctors who want to set the public health record straight on myths like the calorie-burning benefits of sex or the value of eating breakfast.

Students call for end to UC health insurance cap
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Students have called on the University of California to end caps on health care coverage that could leave them to foot the bill for their medical treatment.

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