Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Science] NASA launches next-generation tracking and comms satellite

NASA launches next-generation tracking and comms satellite
NASA's ability to track satellites and orbiting spacecraft is about to get a big boost, following the launch last night of a next-generation communication satellite.

Ancient Tapeworm Eggs Found in Fossilized Shark Poop
Ancient tapeworm eggs found in 270-million-year-old shark poop suggests these parasites may have plagued animals for much longer than previously known, researchers say.

S. Korea Issues Warning to North Against Nuclear Test
SEOUL - South Korea is issuing its sternest warning yet to North Korea not to conduct another nuclear test, which some officials in Seoul and Washington say may be imminent.

China's Love Affair With Cars Chokes Air in Cities
Endless lines of slow-moving cars emerge like apparitions and then disappear again into the gloom of the thick smog that has shrouded Beijing this week and reduced its skyline to blurry gray shapes.

Water flow on Mars suggests ancient life on planet
This view shows the patch of veined, flat-lying rock selected as the first drilling site for NASA's Mars rover Curiosity. The area is shot full of fractures and veins, with the intervening rock also containing concretions, which are small spherical concentrations of ...

NASA's RASSOR robot shape-shifts to haul lunar soil, help make fuel and water
NASA believes our return to the Moon could be sustained by extracting water from the lunar soil to produce air and even fuel. But how to get large amounts of that soil without bringing heavy, failure-prone machinery?

Future Mars Colony Nabs Its First Investors
Mars One says it has secured "a few million" in funding for a future human settlement on the Red Planet. The private Netherlands-based venture aims to send at least six groups of four people on a one-way mission to Mars in 2023.

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