Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Technology] AT BB10 Event: First impressions of Z10

AT BB10 Event: First impressions of Z10
Some have called the Z10 touchscreen smartphone a radical reinvention of BlackBerry's previous smartphones. Well, OK, I guess so.

Microsoft's Surface Pro Tablet to Face Off with Apple's iPad 128GB
Both tablets are aimed at businesses, and while Apple has market momentum on its side, Microsoft has a massive business software library.

Nintendo chief rules out price cuts for Wii U
TOKYO - Nintendo President Satoru Iwata promised Thursday the struggling Japanese video-game maker will get back into operating profitability next fiscal year at more than 100 billion yen ($1 billion), while ruling out price cuts for the new Wii U home ...

Lyft Cleared By CPUC, Launches Ride-Sharing In Los Angeles
Lyft, the ride-sharing startup, along with other startups, was recently fined and issued a cease-and-desist order by the California Public Utilities Commission.

New Aspen speed limit -- 14 miles an hour?
Mayor Mick Ireland had seen enough traffic scofflaws, the lead foots and stop-sign runners. On leisurely patrols atop his bike, the top official in Aspen, Colo.

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