Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[World] UN Said to Weigh Sending Peacekeeping Force to Mali

UN Said to Weigh Sending Peacekeeping Force to Mali
United Nations peacekeepers may be deployed to Mali after French troops leave to ensure that Islamist militants don't seek to reclaim the northern part of the country, according to UN officials.

Donors pledge about $1.5 billion in Syrian aid
BEIRUT -- Amid dire warnings that funds are running low to care for victims of the Syrian conflict, the United Nations said Wednesday that donors had pledged about $1.5 billion to help war-battered Syrians, exceeding the U.N.

Zimbabwe Claims Its Accounts Are Bare
Zimbabwe's finance ministry said it has just $217 left in its accounts after paying the nation's civil servants and government employees earlier this month.

Kerry Says Goodbye to the Senate
With his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, looking on from the gallery overhead, Mr. Kerry, 69, spoke on the chamber floor for 50 minutes about his career, which began on a wave of anti-war activism and included a failed 2004 presidential run against President ...

Japan's Leader Expresses Willingness to Meet Chinese Counterparts
TOKYO - Japan's new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, has said that he is willing to meet with Chinese leaders to cool tensions in an emotional island dispute, asserting that the two countries should not let the disagreement further damage their huge economic ...

Brazil rethinks its rule-breaking attitude after club fire
SANTA MARIA, Brazil - There is a common expression in Brazil that is used, with a wink and a smile, to suggest a way around some bothersome rule or procedure.

More Borneo elephants found dead, toll rises to 13
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Malaysian authorities found remains of another three endangered Borneo pygmy elephants, deepening a mystery surrounding at least 13 such deaths this month.

Israel's next next prime minister
With these elections barely over, Israel's leading politicians are already scrapping for position in the next round - which of them could end up at the very top of the heap?

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