Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Health] No decision on medical marijuana zoning changes

No decision on medical marijuana zoning changes
After hearing the arguments of 18 impassioned medical marijuana advocates and a few foes, a decision on whether to toughen the zoning restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries was pushed back Tuesday night by the City Council.

Pakistani teen activist Malala will have titanium plate placed in her skull
(CNN) -- Malala Yousafzai was glad to hear that her long ordeal of surgeries will soon be over. Just two more to go, doctors in Britain say.

CDC Reports of Salmonella Food Poisoning Linked to Ground Beef
CDC Reports of Salmonella Food Poisoning Linked to Ground Beef Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that the 16 people have fallen ill because of the Salmonella food poisoning, which is tied to ground beef produced in Michigan.

UK families face court fight over GSK diabetes drug
LONDON | Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:27am EST. LONDON (Reuters) - British families seeking compensation for damage caused by GlaxoSmithKline's now-withdrawn diabetes drug Avandia face a lengthy court battle, despite the company agreeing to settle similar ...

Can eating earlier help you lose weight?
Do the calories you consume earlier in the day cause you to put on less weight than those you consume later on? That's long been a matter of debate, but new research suggests that meal timing may play a role in determining a person's body weight.

Deep Fried Food Tied To Prostate Cancer
From doughnuts to French fries, eating deep fried food at least once a week is linked to a raised risk for prostate cancer, according to a new US study.

Swine Flu Hits Chinese Populations Harder Because Of Gene Variant, H1N1 ...
LONDON (Reuters) - British and Chinese scientists have found a genetic variant which explains why Chinese populations may be more vulnerable to the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu.

Study: Erections Tell Us About Our Hearts
Men with severe erectile dysfunction -- even with no personal history of cardiovascular disease -- had 8 times the risk of heart failure.

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