Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[U.S.] Broadside: Reviewing Menino's State of the City

Broadside: Reviewing Menino's State of the City
(NECN) - He might not be known for his eloquence, but he's definitely good with drama. Tuesday night, Boston Mayor Tom Menino delivered his 20th State of the City address as he continues to build on his record of Boston's longest serving mayor.

White House petitions: Huge response, headache too
Two months after President Enrique Pena Nieto took office promising to reduce violent crime, the killings linked to Mexico's drug cartels continue unabated.

New Orleans' challenge: policing 2 huge parties
NEW ORLEANS - It's an unprecedented security challenge for New Orleans: The increasingly raucous buildup to Mardi Gras gets suspended for a week as 150,000 visitors pack the city for the Super Bowl.

California lawmakers urged to toughen state's gun and ammunition laws
Two former California Senate leaders sat before lawmakers Tuesday and warned them about the death threats sure to come their way as they embark on new gun control efforts - death threats that, ironically, drove one of of them, Don Perata, to arm himself ...

Skeet-shooting Obama has 'profound respect for the traditions of hunting'
President Obama once said rural Americans “get bitter, and they cling to guns or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them.

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