Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Health] Eating Lunch Earlier Helped to Lose More Weight

Eating Lunch Earlier Helped to Lose More Weight
For years, dieters have been told not to eat late in the day. A new study now suggests dieters who eat early lunches are able to lose more weight than dieters who lunch late.

The invisible health-care panel
A panel charged with helping devise solutions to the nation's health care workforce crisis is having a workforce crisis of its own: It hasn't been funded, and it's never met.

CDC: Salmonella linked to ground beef behind 5-state outbreak
Salmonella food poisoning tied to ground beef produced in Michigan has sickened 16 people in five states, according to officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Pakistani teen activist Malala will have titanium plate placed in her skull
(CNN) -- Malala Yousafzai was glad to hear that her long ordeal of surgeries will soon be over. Just two more to go, doctors in Britain say.

Erection problems linked to the heart
ERECTILE dysfunction might signal more than a need for a purple pill, researchers said on Tuesday in a study showing a link with heart disease and early death.

Heart health focus of 'Go Red' luncheon
Go Red The American Heart Association hosts its annual Go Red for Women Luncheon in Fayetteville on Friday, Feb. 1, at the Fayetteville- Lincoln County Museum beginning at 11:30 a.m.. Chairperson of the event is Mary Beth Seals of the Lincoln County ...

Deep Fried Food Tied To Prostate Cancer
From doughnuts to French fries, eating deep fried food at least once a week is linked to a raised risk for prostate cancer, according to a new US study.

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