Thursday, January 31, 2013

[World] 14 Dead, At Least 100 Hurt in Mexico Oil Company Blast

14 Dead, At Least 100 Hurt in Mexico Oil Company Blast
(MEXICO CITY) - An explosion at the main headquarters of Mexico's state-owned oil company in the capital killed 14 people and injured 100 on Thursday as it heavily damaged three floors of a building, sending hundreds into the streets and a large plume of ...

US calls Iran's plan to upgrade uranium work 'provocative step'
White House warns such a step would be in further violation of United Nations resolutions against Tehran's nuclear program. By Reuters | Jan.31, 2013 | 9:22 PM.

Cameron Shows Grit in North Africa, but Stirs Concerns About New Entanglements
LONDON - Prime Minister David Cameron emerged Thursday from hurried visits to two North African capitals boasting a sheaf of commitments to new partnerships in the fields of defense, counterterrorism, intelligence-sharing and military training, including ...

SK Group chairman jailed for embezzling company funds
The chairman of one of South Korea's largest conglomerates, SK Group, has been sentenced to four years in prison for embezzling company funds.

Zimbabwe says public account stood at $217 last week
Zimbabwe's Finance Minister Tendai Biti has said that the country only had $217 (£138) left in its public account last week after paying civil servants.

Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's enigmatic former king
Cambodia's mercurial former king Norodom Sihanouk, whose funeral began on Friday, was deft at moving with the political tides that battered the war-ravaged nation for decades.

Airlines must pay for delays
AIR passengers will be entitled to greater levels of financial compensation for flight delays after two legal rulings that offer more protection to travellers.

France is 'totally bankrupt', jobs minister admits as concerns grow over ...
France's government was plunged into an embarrassing row yesterday after a minister said the country was 'totally bankrupt'.

Sept. 11 judge angrily rules against government censors
FT. MEADE, Md. - The military judge in the Sept. 11 conspiracy case angrily ruled Thursday that government censors and intelligence officials can no longer shield the proceedings from public view and that he will decide when to cut off a live audio/video link ...

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