Thursday, January 31, 2013

[U.S.] At least 2 dead, homes destroyed as storms sweep Midwest and Southern states

At least 2 dead, homes destroyed as storms sweep Midwest and Southern states
A massive storm system raked the Southeast on Wednesday, generating tornadoes and dangerous winds that flipped cars on a major Georgia interstate, demolished homes and businesses and killed at least two people.

Girl who performed at Obama inauguration shot dead in Chicago park
A 15-year-old girl who performed in Barack Obama's inauguration festivities has been killed in a Chicago park as she talked with friends by a gunman who apparently was not even aiming at her.

Hagel to face grilling by Senate panel on Mideast, budget
By Patricia Zengerle and Phil Stewart. WASHINGTON | Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:03am EST. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chuck Hagel will face tough questions on Pentagon spending cuts and U.S.

Study: Hubbies that cook, clean have sex less often
Husbands who routinely don aprons get less sex, according to a new study lauded by lazy married men. The study in the American Sociological Review says husbands who spend more time doing traditionally female chores, such as cooking, cleaning, and ...

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