Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Health] Consumer Reports Tackles Cancer Screening Tests

Consumer Reports Tackles Cancer Screening Tests
You trust Consumer Reports when it comes to buying your next car or fridge. But now, for the first time ever, consumers can get ratings of cancer screening tests the same way they do for their toaster.

Study: Vegetarians live longer
Cutting meat from your diet could extend your life. A new study from the University of Oxford finds vegetarians live longer than people who eat meat or fish.

Pakistani teen activist Malala will have titanium plate placed in her skull
(CNN) -- Malala Yousafzai was glad to hear that her long ordeal of surgeries will soon be over. Just two more to go, doctors in Britain say.

Hormone Found in Deer-Antler Spray, IGF-1, Examined in Iowa Study on Cystic ...
Until a Sports Illustrated story broke on Tuesday, many in America had never heard of deer-antler spray, much less a substance in it called IGF-1.

Obese Girls Have Higher Risk Of MS
Although a rare condition, multiple sclerosis (MS) appears to be more common among overweight and obese girls, to the point where extremely obese girls have nearly four times the risk of developing the neurological disease, or its precursor clinically ...

Medicare Panel Pans Alzheimer's Test
BALTIMORE -- A Medicare advisory panel expressed little support Wednesday for the idea that an imaging technology for the beta-amyloid protein tied to Alzheimer's disease changes health outcomes.

Gut bugs up malnutrition risk in kids
Bugs populating the intestine trigger a form of severe, acute childhood malnutrition, says a new study based on young twins in sub-Saharan Africa.

Wear red or buy a pin for heart health,112185
As a national sponsor of Go Red for Women, Macy's is encouraging all to wear red on Friday, National Wear Red Day. Customers wearing red or purchasing a Red Dress pin will receive a discount of up to 20 percent, with Macy's donating 100 percent of all ...

My (Electronic) Cigarette Addiction
I thought I'd found a way to cheat death and still get my nicotine fix. I should have known it was too good to be true. By Eli Lake.

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