Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Science] China's self-billed No 1 environmentalist gives away fresh air

China's self-billed No 1 environmentalist gives away fresh air
Link to video: Chen Guangbiao: 'Come on, two cans for one - free fresh air'. Even through the soupy Beijing smog, it is impossible to mistake the ebullient figure shaking hands, signing autographs and barking at startled passersby: "Come on, two cans for ...

Water Once Flowed Beneath Martian Surface
Fossilized wrinkles in impact craters suggest once again that water might once have flowed on Mars - this time, beneath the surface.

Environmental Risk: The Changing Climate: Pricing climate change
The physical and regulatory risks from climate change already exist. But Nina Röhrbein finds that the pricing signals remain suppressed by still-evolving regulatory frameworks and a lack of data.

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