Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Health] Knowing The Signs Of A Heart Attack Can Save Your Life

Knowing The Signs Of A Heart Attack Can Save Your Life
With February being American Heart Month, it is time to remember what the signs of a heart attack are, in order to keep yourself and your family members safe.

Heart risk link to SSRI antidepressants confirmed
Some but not all antidepressant drugs known as SSRIs pose a very small but serious heart risk, say researchers. Citalopram and escitalopram, which fall into this drug group, can trigger a heart rhythm disturbance, a new study in the British Medical Journal ...

San Diego won't drop cases against pot shops
SAN DIEGOĆ¢€"San Diego officials say they will continue pursuing pending cases against city marijuana dispensaries, reversing previous orders from Mayor Bob Filner to drop them.

Bill Gates says aid must be tied to results
NEW YORK, Jan 30 - Bill Gates on Wednesday urged the world to take a page from his corporate playbook and link aid to measurable results, saying a harder-nosed strategy could dramatically reduce disease and poverty.

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