Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[Health] Vegetarianism May Cut Heart Disease Risk By Third: Study

Vegetarianism May Cut Heart Disease Risk By Third: Study
Vegetarians had a 32 percent lower chance of being hospitalized or dying from heart disease versus people who ate meat or fish, researchers found.

Pakistani teen activist Malala will have titanium plate placed in her skull
(CNN) -- Malala Yousafzai was glad to hear that her long ordeal of surgeries will soon be over. Just two more to go, doctors in Britain say.

Which cancer screenings should you skip? Consumer Reports weighs in
Cancer 2.0. That's what Consumer Reports has dubbed the new age of cancer screening where patients should be taking a good hard look at all those blood tests, X-rays, and ultrasounds before agreeing to be tested.

Calories burned during sex overestimated, New England Journal of Medicine says
Many widely held beliefs about weight loss don't stand up to scientific scrutiny, say doctors who want to set the public health record straight on myths like the calorie-burning benefits of sex or the value of eating breakfast.

Without Fanfare, CDC Reports Sharp Decline in Foodborne Illnesses
Wouldn't you think that a one-third decline in reported foodborne illnesses would be a cause of celebration at the agency responsible for educating us about unsafe food?

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